Photo Gallery
ITFM historical photo gallery pre-2008
Video Gallery on You Tube
Nabisoto - Need for teachers housing projects
North Bend - First Annual Relay Race 2011
Nabisoto - Need for a clinic in rural areas
Nabisoto - Goat project - startup gifts - Christmas Relief Project
New Rwenjiri School - A boy's thoughts
New Rwenjiri School - A girl's thoughts
New Rwenjiri School - A teachers thoughts - Apollo
New Rwenjiri School - A teachers thoughts - DeAnne
Rwenjiri School - Sam videos the outside for us
Mission Possible - ITFM Uganda - Rwenjiri Project 2008
Names on well in Rwenjiri from the first well drilling trip in 2006.
Pastor Wilson, Headmistress and Sam say thank you so much for the well.
A look at Pastor Wilson's new house before painting it.
Well drilling and blow out test
Drill Trucks Arrive in Rwenjiri